2022 Greater Pittsburgh Regional
It’s our 20th Anniversary! Are you as excited as we are?!
Kickoff Event January 8th 2022
Dates and further information To Be Announced and added below.
Location: | Convocation Center at California University of Pennsylvania Riverview Drive – California, PA 15419 USA |
Lodging Information: | Many hotel accommodations are available nearby and may be found through an online search. This year, FIRST will not be booking blocks of rooms through Experient. |
Event Handbook: | 2022 Greater Pittsburgh Regional Team Handbook – Rev. 22-0309 The Handbook answers many questions that teams may have about the event such as parking, safety, meal options etc. The Handbook will be revised throughout the season. |
Lunch Pre-order: | Teams may pre-order lunch meals directly from California University. All orders are due by 5:00 p.m., March 1, 2022. Other lunch options may be found in the handbook. |
Event Schedule: | Week 3 Wednesday, March 16 – Saturday, March 19 |
Volunteer: | Volunteering at the Greater Pittsburgh Regional is a great way to get to know the details of the FIRST Robotics Competition. Simply follow the prompts on your firstinspires.org dashboard and register. Many positions are available for those who may be arriving with a team Thursday morning. While we ask volunteers to be available for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and Judges to be available Friday and Saturday, day positions are also available. When registering, please specify the day(s) you are available, or add a note to the comment section specifying that you would like to participate for only one day, but have no preference of which day. Come and join the fun. |
COVID-19 Requirements | 2022 Greater Pittsburgh Regional COVID-19 Policy FIRST is closely monitoring news and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, local health agencies, as well as state and federal laws and regulations, as we continue to plan the Greater Pittsburgh Regional. The following precautionary measures are currently in place for the event. These measures may be updated as new information becomes available. Please direct your thoughts, questions and concerns to the Daphne Frownfelter, the Regional Director: [email protected], 610-401-4310. |